How to find us

The Minnesota NMR Center can be accessed from the 2nd floor Moos Concourse near the threshold between Moos Tower and Phillips-Wangensteen Building

Mailing Address:

MNMR, Mayo G120
420 Delaware St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Physical Address:

MNMR, Mayo G205
420 Delaware St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Tel: 612-624-8892

Entrance to MNMR

Directions from the Moos Tower entrance on Washington Ave.

Enter Moos Tower using the stairs from Washington Ave (across from the Green Line station). If you have card access, head straight past the security desk. 

Just before the sign for the transition to Phillips-Wangensteen Building, turn right (look for the blue carpet). The main entrance to the Minnesota NMR Center (G120 Mayo) will be on your left.

Directions from Washington Ave Parking Garage

Take the elevators at the southwest end of the parking ramp to the B level (Tunnel). Follow the signs for Moos Tower / PWB through the tunnel to the security desk. If you have card access, head straight through the security desk.

Just before the sign for the transition to Phillips-Wangensteen Building, turn right (look for the blue carpet). The main entrance to the Minnesota NMR Center (G120 Mayo) will be on your left.


Washington Avenue Ramp 
East River Road Garage 
Weisman Art Museum Garage