Courses in NMR

The MNMR Center offers two laboratory courses for both undergraduate and graduate credit, covering many of the same topics as our Practical Workshop.

BioC 4225 - Laboratory in NMR Techniques

Practical aspects of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry. Hands-on experience with high field NMR instruments. Sample preparation/handling, contamination sources, tube/probe options, experiment selection, experimental procedures, software, and data processing. This course is similar in content to the NMR workshop but is offered as a undergraduate lab course for one credit. The 2022 class is May 17-20 from 10AM to 5PM. For information, contact Todd Rappe [email protected]

BioC 5225 - Graduate Laboratory in NMR Techniques

Practical aspects of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry. Hands-on experience with high field NMR instruments. Sample preparation/handling, contamination sources, tube/probe options, experiment selection, experimental procedures, software, and data processing. This course is similar in content to the NMR workshop but is offered as a graduate lab course for one credit. The 2022 class is January 10-15 from 10AM to 5PM. For information, contact Todd Rappe [email protected]

Other Types of Training Available by Request: